4 Signs You Should Consider an Above-Ground Septic Tank

Above ground septic tanks are a compelling alternative to in-ground septic tanks. They work slightly differently than conventional septic systems in that they purify the wastewater almost completely before releasing it. Above-ground tanks aren't right for every situation, but they are the best option in certain cases. Here are some signs you may want to opt for an above-ground septic system:

1. Your lot is rocky.

Some areas simply aren't amenable to digging. If you live in an area where the ground is very rocky, it may not work to put in an in-ground septic system. In these situations, you can bypass digging by choosing an above-ground system.

2. Your lot is small.

In other cases, even if the ground is perfect for putting in basements or in-ground septic tanks, you may not have enough room. Septic tanks need a leach field.

Essentially, the septic tank starts to clean the waste water, and when it is almost clean, the water is released into the ground, where it is filtered naturally by rocks and dirt. This happens in an area called the leach field, and ideally, you should never develop on top of the leach field. As a result, it needs to be on your property, and if your lot is small, that may not be possible.

3. Waterways are too close to your property.

In addition to the size of your property, you also have to think about the distance of waterways from your property. To be safe, the water that leaves your septic tank needs to be totally clean before it reaches the waterways, or your waste will pollute the water. If you live near the seaside, a lake or a river, you need to ensure that your septic system is an adequate distance away from these bodies of water.

The installer should be able to give you safe distances based on the size and type of septic tank you select. If you aren't a safe distance away, however, you should consider an above-ground system.

4. The water table is high in your area.

Finally, you need to look at the water table in your area. If the watertable is too high, it can become polluted by the wastewater that leaves your septic tank. Again, the safe distance depends on the type of septic tank you select, but you can find information on the height of the water table in your area by consulting with your state's Department of Water.

About Me

Environmental Checks: Soil Testing Before a Build

Hello, my name is Geoff. I am a small business owner. When I was planning to expand my factory, a friend recommended that I have the proposed site of the expansion inspected by an environmental consultant. He explained that the land could be contaminated with industrial waste and that the consultant would be able to measure any contamination and make recommendations about how it should be cleaned up. When an environmental consultant inspected the land, they found high levels of heavy metal in the soil. I had the soil cleaned and the new wing of my factory was built on the site. I was so thankful for my friend's help, that I decided to start this blog to pass advice on to others.


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