Top 3 Ways Of Boosting Air Quality In Schools

Schools have a lot to do regarding their indoor air quality, and the fact that it can hamper the education process makes it a really sensitive issue. It may be challenging to achieve that perfect air quality in a classroom, perhaps because it normally holds dozens of students each day and contaminant sources are in plenty. But if you're a teacher, then here are some of the best ways to ensure that your health and that of students and other staff members is not compromised.

Deal With Educational Material

Educational and decorative materials in the room are normally necessary in ensuring a positive and vibrant environment. However, some of these materials affect the air quality by trapping moisture and allergens. Ensure the posters and artwork don't take up such a large proportion of the wall area, particularly if there are no sprinklers. In addition to gathering dust and other materials, they are also a fire hazard.

If the school is old and has popcorn ceilings, then avoid attaching materials up there. There may be asbestos compounds.

If you've got plants in the room, avoid overwatering them to prevent any build up of mould. Also, ensure that the plants are not set up close to the ventilation grills. You can call in air quality consultants to assist with such issues.


If the room has animals such as hamsters and lizards meant for educative purposes, then they need to be well taken care of. Such animals could introduce allergens in the room and spark discomfort for sensitive staff members or students. You need to ensure that they are placed in regularly cleaned cages. Also, ensure that any animal foods are kept in sealed containers. Failure to do so may attract pests and deteriorate the environmental standards.

Watch the Thermostats

If there's a thermostat in the classroom, then they've probably got a small metallic strip that controls the temperatures in the room. These metallic strips are attached to the air lines that head to the ventilation unit. The strip contracts and expands in relation to the temperatures, consequently affecting the air pressure reaching the ventilation unit. This is the unit that reacts by either cooling or warming the place. Placing it close to heat sources such as lamps or other electrical appliances can affect the cooling or heating of the room. You may have overheating in summers or underheating in winters.

For more information and tips for improving air quality in your school, contact a local air quality consulting company. 

About Me

Environmental Checks: Soil Testing Before a Build

Hello, my name is Geoff. I am a small business owner. When I was planning to expand my factory, a friend recommended that I have the proposed site of the expansion inspected by an environmental consultant. He explained that the land could be contaminated with industrial waste and that the consultant would be able to measure any contamination and make recommendations about how it should be cleaned up. When an environmental consultant inspected the land, they found high levels of heavy metal in the soil. I had the soil cleaned and the new wing of my factory was built on the site. I was so thankful for my friend's help, that I decided to start this blog to pass advice on to others.


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